Day 38 Pescara to Sorrento Strap on Your Seat Belt

Day 38 was a day spent driving to Sorrento.  We went through some beautiful countryside and hills.  It was really neat to see different old towns perched on hillsides.  As we got closer to Sorrento, we passed by Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii (no you could not see the ruins from the highway) and then we hit the coast.  Okay the beauty here is undeniable, but the roads are insane!  Hairpin turns overlooking high rocky cliffs that drop off into the ocean.  Russ and Reid got to ooh and ahh, and I gripped the wheel and focused on not driving off the cliff.  Add in a giant tour bus here, some insane Vespa drivers there..and viola you have a car trip in Italy…well almost.  Okay Italy I as a driver in your country I have a few questions:

*Why is it okay to straddle a lane line and drive in two lanes at the same time?

*Why is it okay for a Vespa to drive the wrong way down a street and then honk at you like you are in the wrong/

*Why is it okay to make streets that are only wide enough for one car, and then put 2 lanes of traffic on them?

*Why is it okay to stop in the middle of a busy narrow street…and just put your flashers on like that makes it okay?

*Why do you make narrow windy cliff side roads with no guard rails?

*Why are your sidewalks only about 1 foot wide?

*Why do pedestrians hang out in the road and then look at you like you better not come close to them?

*How is it possible to smoke, ride a Vespa, and have groceries and a child with you?

***And last but not least…how is it that this crazy chaotic in your face country can charm the pants off of anyone???

Ahhh the drive was insane and we came close to getting in several accidents…but at the end of it all it was so worth it!  We ended up in such a beautiful spot near Sorrento, and I was looking forward to the adventures ahead!